- Accumulated more than 20 years of professional experience in corporate law TOTALY focus on environment, health and safety matters (also sustainability & ESG + SDG´s) and infrastructure projects as well heavy duty industrial issues RELATED TO ENVIRONMENTAL LAW, with roles in Spain, Portugal, US, and the UK serving as central connections for the Latin America and Brazil markets. - Solid expertise in advising multinational corporations across a wide spectrum of legal areas, including Corporate Law (Industrial New Ventures), Environmental Law & Criminal, Engineering Contract (EPC, BTS, BOT, JOA, others), CO2 Encapsulation tools (CCS, CCUS, BECCS and DACCS), Infrastructure Projects (Regulatory & Environmental), M&A and Due Diligence, Public Law (Government Practices), Energy & Renewable, Oil & Gas, ESG Audits & Compliance, Sustainability, UN SDGs, Green Finance, Transboundary Pollution RMP, all related to environmental law. - Vast experience with multinational in environmental law as Pepsico, Temasek Investment, ADIA Investment, CSN, Vale, DHL-TNT Express, Galp, Vicat, Holcim, Leroy Merlin, Saint Gobain, Gafisa, Petrobras, MPX, OGX, British Gas, Ecoblend-Geocycle Argentina, Dover Fuels, Votorantim, Camargo Correia, MAN Diesel, Abengoa, SICPA Security Ink, Wartsila Energy, Riopax Necropolis & Tanatoriums, Almaco Offshore, Air China, Transpetro, BR Aviation, State Grid, Huawei, Cury Construcion, Alston Transport, Sheraton Hotels, Ceg-Naturgy, PSG Group, Sinopec, Biovert Engineering & Forest Recovery, Commetal Mercury Recycling, Aoki Corporation, Reviver, Tenda Construction Company, Essencis, Fibria Pulp, Dasa Diagnostics of America, Total Energy, Gaspetro, Incihuila Colombia Residuos Peligrosos, MI Swaco Schlumberger, Edf, AES-Disab, Petrobio, Opportunity Investment Bank, Light, Statoil, CH2M Hill, Suez, Club Med, Starwood Hotels, Rede D'or Hospitals, Paranapanema Copper. - Expertise spans a range of industries (all related to environmental law) as Agribusiness, Automotive, Aviation & Airport, Biotechnology, Cement, Cemetery, Construction, Chemical & Petrochemical, Electronics, Energy, Investment Banking, Food & Beverage, Fuel, Water Treatment, Hazmat & Waste Management, Hospitals, Hotels & Resorts, Flotel & Services Supply, Infrastructure, Carbon Encapsulation, Maritime Safety, Mining, Pesticide, Pulp & Paper, Real Estate & Urban Development, Transport (air-land-water), Bricolage, Aircraft & Hangaring, Steel, Rail, Sugar Cane & Ethanol, Timberland, Native Florets Seedlings Farm, Biodiversity Land-bank, Thermoplastic, ESG, Stressed Risk Assets, Blockchain Warehouse & Electronic Waste, Oil & Gas (Exploration, Transport, Distribution, Oil Rig Construction & Operation, Pipeline, Processing Units, FPSOs, Supply Vessels, Pipelines, and LNG Terminals). - Boston Bar (suspended), Lisboa Bar and Rio de Janeiro Bar. *Madrid Bar in the process of obtaining the community lawyer registration - Certified Environmental Auditor BSI (Lead Auditor since 2010)