What Are the Most Common Legal Issues?

With developing social media, we face fewer struggles for our possible problems, and one of the problems that people face during their lives, without doubt, is their legal issues.

Nowadays, people usually seek trend topics in various ask-answer websites, such as Quora and StackExchange, and lawyers, legal consultants, or ones with the same experience will share their knowledge.

On the other hand, what should lawyers know about people’s legal queries on the internet and how lawyers can take advantage of these trends to develop their career path or personal development.


With more than 10,000 active users in the field of Law, Quora can be a valuable asset in market and marketing research based on data analysis for lawyers, law firms, legal professionals, and of course, legal tech companies. Analysis of Quora’s data can provide staggering insights into the trends of the legal market.

Our report is designed to identify trends and provide new insights into the most prevalent issues in the field of law. In order to achieve this, we have conducted a mixed-method meta-analysis of data obtained from the law spheres and communities of Quora’s more than 74,000 questions and 376,000 answers, using datasets from the Quora data dump. This study covers 12 years of data, from 2010 to March 2021.

Our report is designed to identify trends and provide new insights into common legal issues. To investigate this issue, we conducted an analysis of data obtained from StackExchange/law, and Legal advice of Quora, these two platforms are one of the most popular online forums for legal professionals and non-legal professionals to communicate, collaborate, and share information.

Question or Answer of you Legal Questions


The Law Stack Exchange is a community and question and answer site solely for lawyers, students, and other people with interests and experience in legal fields. Those in need of guidance on a legal issue can ask a question and share it with others, usually lawyers and get their answers. Answers and questions can be commented on, commonly to ask for clarification or to point out errors in an answer.

Answering a question involves a collaborative effort of the community, as answers are posted, discussed, and subsequently edited to pinpoint the solutions. Expert users can circumvent this collaborative aspect and edit other users’ posts directly, which is common practice for authors of questions and answers after receiving feedback in comments. Since 2015, StackExchange had over 28000 users asking more than 18,000 questions. StackExchange’s large amount of information makes it a valuable resource for legal professionals seeking insight into legal trends.


Analysis of data obtained from the law spheres and communities of Quora’s more than 74,000 questions and 376,000 answers, With 8843 questions, Criminal Law was the very first topic being searched the most. As it is interconnected with crime, 11,93% of the questions have been allocated to it.

Regarding the search results of Legamart out of 17,972 questions asked from people during the last six years, 90% of them have answers, which the short answers are the most frequent among them, popular questions regarding Immigration Law, Public Law, and Commercial Law have received the most accepted answers, although surprisingly Family law was at the bottom of the list!

Both Human Rights Law and Contracts Law have been sought-after topics as well. By and by, the least searched topic in this classification has been given to Wills, Trust and Probate Law which demands professional advising for clients.

It will undoubtedly help you to figure out the most engaging and involving topics to seek.

LegaMart has analyzed more than 90,000 questions and 740,000 Answers from these two platforms, we have conducted a mixed-method meta-analysis of data of these platforms.

Check out the whole topic trend analysis to find all about this topic and so many other analyses we gathered for you in the link below:


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