How to Sue a United States Citizen as a Foreigner?

Sue a United States citizen as a foreigner


Globalization and the increased movement of people are contributing to global litigation. These days, if a company breaches a contract anywhere on the globe, specifically in the United States, a person or company can file a lawsuit against that company in that other nation. In different situations, you can sue a United States citizen as a foreigner for claimed violations of international law. In other words, both parties to a lawsuit do not have to share the same nationality for the case to be decided.

If their actions are out of line, it is always possible for citizens of the United States to be sued. How can a foreigner sue a US citizen? Being involved in a lawsuit may be stressful and upsetting, especially if it is taking place in an international jurisdiction. Most people expect to be involved in a legal dispute once they are. Lawsuits may be time-consuming, frightening, upsetting, and perplexing.

It is easy to jump through hoops to comprehend a foreign country’s legal system. This article aims to reveal all of the issues that a person may deal with when you sue a United States citizen as a foreigner, or, to put it another way, how can a foreigner sue a US citizen?

Outsider’s Justice in the US

If you’re involved in a foreign legal problem, you might wonder, “How can a foreigner sue a US citizen?” Can a non-citizen sue a United States citizen as a foreigner? It is an essential question because the answer can make the difference between being able to sue someone and not being

able to sue someone. It is more complex than contacting a lawyer in a new place and having them handle your case if you want to know how to sue a United States citizen as a foreigner. 

Or, more simply, you can check out the very skilled attorneys that are a part of our community here at LegaMart in our advocacy area to grasp all the details that suit your case the best when you sue a United States citizen as a foreigner based on your questions right from your smartphone.

However, to give you some brief information on “How can a foreigner sue a US citizen?”, consider the following: A British tourist visiting the Bay area for the holidays was struck and killed by an American motorist. No information has been released on any potential charges. 

To be clear, the location of the parties affects the response to this question. In other words, the basis for deciding whether an individual can sue a United States citizen as a foreigner depends on the domicile. 

To comprehend “How can a foreigner sue a US citizen?”, getting in touch with a lawyer in the U.S. is preferable, ideally in the state where you want to launch the complaint. You must follow all the rules of the local legal system before you can figure out how to bring a lawsuit against someone who doesn’t have the same nationality as you. It entails dealing with novel and peculiar legislation and legal procedures. 

The most straightforward approach to achieving this is to request such funding from the organization, which must have a controversy worth more than $75,000 to justify such a request. You could be eligible for compensation under the Bay Area Bike Law if a bicycle accident led to your demise.

Alien’s Privilege to Sue

The 28 USC 2502 take effect on November 9 2022, regulates the Alien’s privilege to sue. Accordingly, citizens or subjects of any foreign country that grants citizens of the United States the ability to sue their government in its courts may sue the United States in the United States Court of Federal Claims if the subject matter of the litigation falls within the jurisdiction of such a court. 

Moreover, diversity jurisdiction, established by one’s physical presence in a state and intention to live there permanently, permits residents of various forms to file lawsuits against one another in federal court under 28 U.S. Code 1332. However, two requirements must be fulfilled. First, the sum in dispute must be more significant than $75,000 in value. Second, each plaintiff and each defendant must have a separate nationality.

The third section of this Act extends the judicial authority of the United States to disputes between a state or its people and foreign states or subjects. The Supreme Court has interpreted this clause to mean that it is unlawful for aliens to sue other aliens who the federal government is holding.

Legal precedent indicates that a plaintiff need not be a citizen of the United States to file a lawsuit if the incident occurred on American soil. The surviving family members of a deceased individual may file a lawsuit against the party responsible for the death of their relative in the United States. 

Can Immigrants, Permanent Residents, and Tourists Sue in the United States? 

It is worth noting that people have the right to sue in both federal and state courts provided jurisdictional conditions are met; they’re human beings, after all, and the law acknowledges some fundamental rights, including the ability to sue in appropriate circumstances, to all human beings, not just US citizens. Suing is a fundamental right recognized by American courts and protected by the U.S. Constitution. 

Therefore, regardless of immigration, permanent resident or tourist, and regardless of citizenship, everyone has the right to sue a United States citizen as a foreigner in the United States. For example, immigrants can sue their employers under California Labor Code 1019 for any unfair immigration-related action, such as calling or threatening to alert immigration officials.

Rights, like the right to citizenship, is solely available to non-citizens; however, US courts have no jurisdiction over Canadians who live in Canada or have their headquarters there and Canadian businesses.

As a result, before a US judgment or letter rogatory may be enforced against a Canadian resident or corporation, an application for permission must be filed with the appropriate Canadian court.

What if Non-US Citizens Sue a United States citizen as a Foreigner? 

Several state statutes, like the Uniform Enforcement of Foreign Judgements Act, established in California, Montana, and New York, are used to execute foreign judicial judgments. State courts in other nations will respect legal decisions recognized by the law.

What is the Process of Enforcing Judgments in the US?

After examining all of the above information, judgment enforcement is the next natural step in any lawsuit. When a U.S. court makes a judgment for monetary damages against a party, that party will usually pay the award. 

Suppose the party fails to comply and pays the stated amount. In that case, the victorious party may attempt to execute the judgment by filing a “writ of attachment” and taking the losing party’s assets in the United States. The Full Faith and Credit Act specifies that judgments rendered in one state’s courts may be executed in all other states courts. 

In most circumstances, the methods and requirements for implementing decisions in various forms are determined by the legislation of the forum state. In most situations, they entail filing a “writ of attachment,” which instructs a court official to confiscate the debtor’s property or income. A party attempting to attach assets may also seek discovery if it is judged essential to ascertain whether the attachment is legal.

U.S. courts have the jurisdiction to enforce not just U.S. court judgments but also judgments issued by international courts and arbitral tribunals when you sue a United States citizen as a foreigner. The Uniform Foreign Country Money Judgment Recognition Act requires most courts to accept and enforce foreign court judgments (adopted by most states under state statutes). The enforcement of a foreign judgment is more complicated than a U.S. court ruling, and several defences, including lack of notice, fraud, and public policy issues, can be raised.

Under the United Nations Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Judgements (known as the “New York Convention”), to which the United States is a party, U.S. courts may also recognize and enforce specific foreign arbitral awards. 

The New York Convention specifies only a few narrow grounds for refusing to identify and implement such awards, including a party’s incapacity, the illegality of the agreement, a lack of due process in the arbitration, a tribute outside the scope of the arbitration, an improper arbitration panel, and a vacated or not-yet-binding award. 

Furthermore, the United States is a signatory to the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States (the Washington Convention) and the Inter-American Convention on International Commercial Arbitration (the Panama Convention), both of which allow arbitral awards made under those conventions to be enforced in U.S. courts. Arbitral awards under the New York Convention are often easier to implement than foreign court judgments.


Lawsuits already require a lengthy battle for an individual to seek justice, and becoming involved in a case is inconvenient. These issues can be exacerbated when a lawsuit is filed abroad or how to sue a United States citizen as a foreigner under foreign law. With the advancement and integration of globalization, more and more interactions between individuals of different nationalities are being formed and established. 

The greater the global interdependence expands, the higher the percentage of disputes that are likely to happen. When several countries and legal systems are involved, the process of processing international litigation becomes more interwoven. The laws are changing and attempting to make more significant changes without regard to jurisdiction or application. Recognizing the challenges of international litigation, use caution while making any choice that will affect your future.

If you suspect that your work has been copied or your copyright violated on social media, whether by someone in the US or abroad, delve into our blog. Gain valuable insights into copyright infringement on social platforms and the legal landscape surrounding reposting in countries such as the USA and India.

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