Complete Guide on Child Custody

A man with his child after getting her Child Custody

Introduction to Child Custody

The complexities and challenges associated with divorce and child custody matters are very critical to negotiate with. In the process of determining future parenting arrangements, it is crucial to prioritise the well-being of the child. This article will navigate us through the discussion pertaining to matters of custody arrangements, legal considerations, and the recommended approach for parental communication and collaboration.

What is child custody?

Child custody is a judicial decision that jointly gives responsibility for a child’s care and control to one or both parents after their separation. Child custody pertains to the lawful and pragmatic affiliation between a parent and their children, conferring upon the parent the capacity to rear, foster, and decide on matters concerning the child’s welfare. Parents usually have the inherent entitlement to make decisions regarding their offspring’s place of residence, medical treatment, schooling, and religious upbringing.

But this inherent right becomes a topic for argument when the couple divorces, especially when they are from different nationalities. In such instances, child custody laws and the judicial system settle disagreements and safeguard the kid’s best interests.

Types of Child Custody

Sole Custody
Sole legal custody (also known as sole parental responsibility) occurs when one parent has complete responsibility over the significant decisions of the child’s life. The other parent has no say in the matter but has visiting rights and is responsible for child support.

Joint Custody
Joint custody is an arrangement in which two parents are responsible for looking after their child, despite not residing together. In instances of joint custody, both parents are legally entrusted with the obligation of providing care and supervision for their offspring and are equally engaged in making consequential determinations concerning their upbringing.

The arrangement in question involves a shared custody model where the child spends time living with both parents or, in the alternative, a model where one parent has primary physical custody. In contrast, the other parent retains certain custodial rights and responsibilities.

Split Custody
Split custody is a recent concept whereby one or more children of a marriage are placed under the care of each parent. Split custody is a form of joint custody that typically necessitates the agreement of both parents.

Why does one need a Child Custody order?

The involvement of both parents in matters pertaining to child custody is crucial, as in the absence of the same, both parents will assume equal rights to the child. Whereas, The actual “legal parent” refers to an individual who is formally acknowledged as a parent on any of the following legal documents of the child:

  1. The child’s birth certificate
  2. An affidavit of parentage
  3. A court order (e.g. a child support or adoption order)

Child Support

In certain instances of divorce or separation, cases involving parental disputes become a major concern; Parents are often puzzled by the differences regarding exactly what entails “child custody” compared to what constitutes “child support”. Precisely assigning custodial responsibilities to one of the parents can be a very tedious process for the court, and simultaneously leaving the other parent entirely responsible for providing their child with sufficient financial assistance.

In this respect, it is useful to remember that child support means providing financial assistance to your child after the separation of both parents. A kid is entitled to receive assistance and support from each parent regardless of legal custody assignments or visitation plans.

While determinations concerning ‘custody’ are ideally prioritised by ensuring maximum security for the child’s safety, the child support is decided upon the recourse frameworks like –

  1. Educational needs of the child, including all fundamental school-related activities, extracurricular engagements such as sports teams or summer camps etc.
  2. Medical care and treatments of the child
  3. Standard living of the child, travel expenses etc.

How does the court decide on Child Support?

Child support may be awarded by the court or administratively; even parents can also agree to pay child support between themselves. To calculate child support, the income standards established by the country are used.

The calculation of child support is determined by individual countries according to their regulations. Several factors can impact child support, such as:

  1. Financial earnings of the parent with primary custody and those without primary custody.
  2. Any self-employment earnings and costs
  3. Extent of the visitation period allotted to the child with the non-custodial parent.
  4. Responsibility for other children.
  5. Child care expenses
  6. Health insurance and medical expenses
  7. Education costs or travel costs for children between homes

Also, Child support payments are neither tax deductible for the individual making them nor taxable income for the person receiving them.

How does shared custody affect child support?

Shared custody does not alter the duties imposed by the child support system upon the parents. When one parent has exclusive physical custody, the non-custodial parent pays child support. The custodial parent needs this financial assistance to provide the children with housing, food, clothing, and other necessities. These responsibilities are shared by both parents, who have joint physical custody.

Assume a support payment of $500 per month was set for a specific parent based on both parents’ earnings and other financial circumstances. If the parent had 50% physical custody of their kid, their monthly payment would be reduced to $250.

Parental Rights and Responsibilities

Cases involving child custody are used to establish the privileges and obligations of each parent. The capacity of parents to participate in the lives of their children is safeguarded by parental rights and responsibilities. Parents would fulfil their obligations as parents guarantee that children will get the best possible upbringing.

What are the different types of parental rights and responsibilities in child custody cases?
There are three fundamental parental rights and duties arrangements in child custody: shared, sole, and assigned.

Shared parental rights – These rights and duties provide each parent with an equal voice in most or all of the well-being choices of the child. That implies that parents must make shared choices regarding significant aspects of their kid’s upbringing, such as where the child will reside and attend school. Parents who share parental rights and obligations must keep each other aware of events or developments in the child’s life and consult with each other (if feasible) before making parenting choices. The kid might live with one parent as the main home or with both parents.

Sole parental rights – Under the sole parental rights and obligations, only one parent has exclusive authority over the well-being of the child and the principal home of the child will be with that parent only. The other parent, without having parental rights, must contribute and pay for the child support and may visit the child, but that parent would not play any role in making life decisions for the child.

The sole parental rights are given by the court in the circumstances where the shared parental rights and duties may harm the child. For example – If one parent is abusive and alcoholic, then considering this, the court may give the sole parental rights and responsibilities to the other parent.

Allocated parental rights – These rights indicate that the court provides each parent with the power to make particular child-related decisions. For example – one parent may determine the child’s religious upbringing, and the other may choose the educational area.

Factors Considered by Courts in Child Custody Cases

When determining child custody and visitation arrangements, the courts look at several variables, the most important of which are the physical, mental, and financial well-being of the child. The best interests criterion is the lens through which the courts examine proposed parenting plans, make findings about the suitability and capabilities of any party seeking custody, and determine any disagreements that arise during the litigation process.

What are the main factors considered by courts when determining child custody?

Important factors that parents should know about child custody

Parent’s Living Situation and Stability of The Home Environment
The court examines each parent’s capacity to establish a secure, caring atmosphere. It may check the living quarters of each parent’s house as well. Factors like the cleanliness, safety, and adequacy of the residence are considered.

Parent-Child Relationship
Each parent’s capacity to establish a secure, caring atmosphere. Before reaching a judgement on child custody, the court may often request that each parent submits to a child custody assessment. It also assesses the level of involvement, bonding, and emotional connection between the parent and child to determine their ability to provide a nurturing environment.

Ages and Number of Children
The age and number of children involved can impact custody decisions. The court considers the specific needs and developmental requirements of each child, as well as their ability to adapt to potential custody arrangements.

Child’s Education
The child’s educational needs are considered, including the proximity of each parent’s residence to schools, the quality of available education options, and the ability of the parents to support the child’s educational development.

Parent’s Fitness and Health
Courts prioritise the safety and well-being of the child. A history of domestic violence, criminal behaviour, or substance abuse can significantly impact custody decisions as it may raise concerns about the child’s welfare.

Parents Employment Responsibilities
The physical and mental health of each parent is taken into account. The court considers factors such as chronic illnesses, disabilities, or mental health issues that may affect the parent’s ability to care for the child.

Parents Willingness to Agree and Accept
The court looks at the working routine of each of the parents and tries to figure out the available time that they can provide for the child and his needs. Factors such as security, care, and the liability to help financially are taken into consideration.
Role of the Child’s Preference in Custody Decisions

How Courts Consider the Child’s Wishes in a Child Custody Decisions?

When it comes to child custody and visitation decisions, the court’s utmost concern is determining what arrangements are in the best interest of the child. Even if the parents propose a mutually agreed-upon plan, the court must thoroughly assess various factors. While some states take the child’s preference into consideration, it’s important to note that in most states, an expressed preference does not hold absolute control.

It is important to note that in every state, a child cannot decide on their own which parent they will live with. There is no specific age when a child’s choice becomes the final say. Some states allow children who are 14 or older to have a say in the decision, but the court still looks into whether the preferred parent is suitable before making a final ruling.

In over 30 states, the court has the authority to consider the child’s preference. However, the process of getting the child’s input, the age at which their opinion matters, and how much weight is given to their choice can vary between states and even different counties within the same state.

Child preference factor
In at least 33 states of the United States, judges can consider what the child wants when deciding child custody. However, they usually only do this after determining if the child is old enough to express their opinion and explain why they feel that way i .e when a child is deemed to have enough intelligence, understanding, and experience to effectively communicate their preferences, courts are typically able to take those preferences into consideration.

Even in states where the law does not explicitly mention the child’s preference, there are often rules that let judges think about any other important factors. This general provision allows the court to include the child’s preference in their decision-making process. However, treatment and weight given to the child’s preference vary among different states due to their respective laws. Some of the ways in which the child’s preferences are taken into account include:

In some states, the law either mandates or allows the court to conduct an interview with the child in a private setting, commonly known as “in chambers,” to gather their wishes and address any concerns they may have about their parents.
In other states, it is stated that the child has the right to testify in court if they wish to do so, specifically regarding their preference for which parent should have custody.

Additionally, some states allow children who are 14 years old or older to have an absolute right to choose their custodial parent. As long as the judge determines that the chosen parent is suitable, they will be named as the custodial parent.

Role of Extended Family in Custody Decisions

How do courts consider the availability and involvement of extended family in custody decisions?

Extended family members may be granted temporary custody, which allows the child to reside with another family member without removing the parents’ custody rights. This arrangement empowers the custodial family member to decide on the child’s education, healthcare, and other requirements. Meanwhile, the parents retain their rights alongside the extended family member.

In divorce cases, extended family members can play a significant role in determining child custody. The established relationships between the child and other family members are considered factors in custody proceedings.

Recognizing the impact of family members on custody decisions is crucial for selecting the appropriate plan to care for your child during and after the divorce. By doing so, you provide a more secure upbringing for your child and safeguard the needs of the entire family.

What is the impact of sibling relationships on custody decisions?
Sibling relationships play an important role in a child’s life, often serving as their first and closest companions. This significance extends to blended families, where step-siblings and half-siblings can develop strong bonds. During parental separation, siblings often rely on each other to navigate the tumultuous changes and seek stability. In some states, courts are reluctant to separate siblings who share a close relationship.

However, it’s important to recognize that not all children with the same biological parents form such strong bonds. In certain cases, sibling relationships may be challenging or even abusive. In such instances, the court may determine that separating the siblings is in the children’s best interest.

Modifying Child Custody Arrangements

Under what circumstances can child custody arrangements be modified?
A motion to modify a child custody order can be initiated by either parent. The parent bringing the motion is responsible for providing evidence to support the justification for the modification. There are generally two primary situations in which child custody orders can be modified:

Substantial Change in Circumstances: Before deciding on modifying a custody agreement, judges consider various factors. A substantial change in circumstance is typically required, indicating a significant long-term or permanent change. Temporary or voluntary changes made by a parent are generally not viewed as substantial by most judges. The factors that judges may consider include:

Physical and mental health: The well-being of each parent’s physical and mental health can be assessed to understand their ability to care for the child.

Compliance with the current custody agreement: Any issues related to the adherence to the current custody agreement may be considered by the judge.

Financial circumstances: Changes in the financial situation of either parent can impact their ability to provide for the child’s needs and may be taken into consideration.

Safety of the living environment: The safety and suitability of each parent’s living environment for the child’s well-being will be assessed.

Parent-child relationship: The nature and quality of the relationship between each parent and the child, as well as their relationship with the other parent, will be evaluated.

Time spent with each parent: The amount of time the child has spent with each parent, including the level of involvement in their care, can be influential in the decision-making process.

Violation of court order or frequent disobedience of the custody order: If one parent consistently disobeys the custody order and the parents are unable to resolve the issue on their own, the other parent can bring the matter to court with supporting evidence.

In such cases, the court will seek confirmation that the non-compliant parent is aware of the custody order, possesses the capacity to adhere to it, and deliberately chooses not to do so.

Other circumstances that can lead to the modification of a custody order include:
Relocation of a parent: If one parent relocates or intends to relocate, it can be a reason to modify the custody order as the same may impact the existing arrangement.

Parental death: The unfortunate event of a parent’s death can necessitate a modification of the order to ensure the well-being and care of the child.

Safety concerns for the child: If there are concerns about the child’s safety, such as exposure to abusive or harmful environments, it can be grounds for modifying the custody order to protect the child from potential harm.

What is the process for requesting a modification of a custody order?

In order to ensure that changes to child custody are legally binding and enforceable, it is essential to follow the court system. While informal adjustments outside of court can be made, they lack the same legal authority. However, when both parents agree to modify the existing child custody arrangement, the process is generally smoother.

Below are details about the steps involved in legally modifying a child custody agreement.

Initiate a motion for modification of custody
To initiate the process, you will need to prepare and file a motion for modification of custody form in most states. Usually, this form must be filed with the same court that issued the original custody ruling, although there may be exceptions to this rule.

Submit your documents to the court
When submitting your documents to the court clerk’s office, you will likely be required to pay a filing fee. However, in some cases, fee waivers may be available. The clerk’s office will provide you with a hearing date upon filing.

Serve the motion for modification to the other parent
If both parents do not agree on the proposed modifications, the parent seeking the change must ensure that a copy of the filed papers is served to the other parent. Most states stipulate that service must be carried out by a third party and not directly by the requesting parent. It is advisable to complete this process at least a few weeks before the scheduled hearing date.

Attend court for hearing
In cases where the parents disagree regarding the modifications, family courts require them to attend mediation before the hearing. If mediation fails to reach an agreement, the case will proceed to court. During the hearing, it is crucial to present compelling evidence that there has been a significant change in circumstances and that the requested modifications are in the best interest of the child.

Preparing for a Child Custody Hearing

What are some tips for preparing for a child custody hearing?

Child custody hearings, with some advance planning, help you in advancing a convincing case. Here are some tips that you should keep in mind while preparing for a child custody hearing:

Understand your state’s child custody laws
Child custody laws vary, depending on the state and their jurisdictions. Therefore, the foremost thing that should be done is to become familiar with the state laws where the custody proceedings are scheduled. Not only does this help you prepare your arguments, but it also helps you analyze the potential scenarios that might arise during the hearing.

Understand the better parent standard
The better parent standard comes into existence when you request the sole custody of the child. This is mainly to convince the judge that one parent is better than the other, which can be tedious. Therefore, be aware of the expectations of the court.
You can also try creating a parenting plan to better explain your stance and to convince the court about being a better parent for your child.

Bring the right documents to the court
Work with your lawyer and understand the important documents that must be brought in during the child custody hearing, and clarify whether your personal records shall be admissible in court. Some common documents you may be expected to present include detailed phone logs, annotated visitation schedule, proof of child-support payments, financial situation and stability, and other case-specific documents.

You can also bring in witnesses to better present your case, such as friends, relatives, teachers, medical doctors, and mental health professionals. While the physical presence of the witness shall be preferable, however, some courts do accept character reference letters to be admissible in court. Therefore, clarify the accepted modes for witnesses with your lawyer.

Learn proper courtroom etiquette
If you wish to win the child custody hearing, one of the factors that could play a major role in your behaviour before the court. You are expected to behave appropriately in court, presenting yourself responsibly and maturely. You can discuss some proper courtroom etiquette with your lawyer to present yourself better and prepare yourself for expected pitfalls (such as emotional outbursts or accusatory comments). To better prepare yourself, you can also role-play with your lawyer before the hearing begins.

Know what to expect during the hearing
Child custody hearings are usually less combative or adversarial than other hearings. Therefore, it becomes easier to expect the potential occurrences in the hearing and, accordingly, prepare for them.

Child custody hearings are not heard before a jury but presented in front of a judge to fast-track the case and reach a conclusion. Therefore, be prepared for an immediate order and prepare yourself accordingly.

Dress in an appropriate manner
If you wish to win the child custody hearings, make a good first impression before the judge. Therefore, ensure that you wear the proper courtroom attire, considering you get just one chance to make a good first impression. Even before you get a chance to present your case, an opinion is expected to be formed based on your attire, and hence, you prefer presenting yourself in the best light.

How can parents effectively present their cases in court?

Effectively presenting your case is the key to winning your custody battle. Here are some tips to effectively present your case in court:

Know your facts. Ensure that you have the accurate dates, circumstances, and people involved, and ensure that your lawyer is aware of all the material details about your case.

Know your law. While you require a strong grip on your facts, ensure you have a basic understanding of the law to argue your case effectively before the judge.

Language of Court. Do not use foul language in the court of law, and ensure that you use proper court language.

Prefer being mild while presenting your case in court. Do not be rigid and stubborn, but be flexible and mild while presenting your case. Advocating aggression in court is capable of ruining your case for you. Therefore, ensure you have soft body language while keeping your point across confidently.

The spontaneity of answers is appreciated. Knowing your facts and law in a proper manner provides you with the advantage of being spontaneous with your answers, which is adequately observed by the judge as well, making your case more convincing.

Be a good listener. The other side is expected to present your case against you, and hence, instead of interrupting them in the middle, provide them with the opportunity to present their case, and once they are finished, only then counter their argument one by one. Child custody matters especially require patience, considering that showcasing a short-tempered approach can harm your case and your child in the future.

Be polite, courteous and respectful to all parties. This includes not only the opposite side but also the judge, court staff, witnesses, and the opposing witnesses and counsels.

Role of Attorneys in Child Custody Cases

Child Custody battles can be emotionally exhausting and very difficult to get through. Therefore, it is preferable to involve an attorney in your case, irrespective of whether you and your spouse have been able to reach a settlement amicably or not.

When should parents consider hiring an attorney for a child custody case?
While it is beneficial to ALWAYS hire an attorney for a child custody case, however, there are certain situations where hiring an attorney becomes necessary to ensure that you are undertaking the right steps in your custody battle. Some of these situations are:

When your child is in danger
There might be a situation where the other parent can physically and/or mentally harm the child and use their financial capabilities to their advantage to gain custody of the child. This category may also include situations of neglect against the child. An absent or emotionally abusive parent can harm a child, so hiring an attorney for your case helps you explore other possibilities of a restraining order or protective order against the other parent. Be aware of the dangers surrounding your child, and if there are immediate dangers involved, do not hesitate to include the legal authorities.

When the other parent has hired an attorney
Child custody battles are capable of being long and exhausting. Therefore, having a professional attorney by your side helps you and your case, so that someone can represent your interests adequately. This becomes crucial when an attorney already exists on the other side, considering that they get a legal advantage in the case through proper representation.

When the case involves special circumstances
For situations involving disabled children, or children requiring special care, the custody is not limited to 18 years of age but is seen to be drawn beyond that. This includes situations where the child requires counseling, diagnosis, and/or treatment. In such cases, your attorney is the best asset, ensuring that the child and their interests are adequately protected.

When the case crosses jurisdiction.
In a situation where one parent has tried or has successfully managed to move the child to some other jurisdiction, there is an increase in the legal hassles involved. Therefore, it becomes important to hire an attorney to understand the domestic laws involved and become familiar with the international laws available against such moves.

When the other parent is trying to deny custody or visitation rights?

Until the court formally decides on the child custody matter, no one parent can claim superiority of rights over the child. However, no legal protection exists for a parent being denied visitation and/or custody rights. If such situations exist, prefer hiring an attorney to be able to start seeing your child regularly in a secure manner, that can help you visit the child through legal orders or secure supervised visitation rights.

Who pays attorney fees in child custody cases?

In a typical scenario, each party is responsible for their legal fees. This fee includes hiring an attorney, gathering evidence, court filings, and/or any other expenditure directly involved with your legal representation.

However, there are certain exceptions involved in the form of fee-shifting. In such cases, the court may order one of the parents to pay either the complete or some part of the legal expenditure incurred by the other parent. Some common circumstances when the judge might provide such a decision are:

Disparity in income. When there exists a significant disparity in income or financial resources available to both parties, it is possible for the court to ask the wealthier party to pay the legal expenses of the other party. This helps in ensuring that both parties obtain equal access to legal representation.

Uncooperative behavior. If the proceedings incur unnecessary delays or uncooperative behavior through any of the parties, the court may ask that party to be liable for the legal expenditure incurred by the other parent.

The best interest of the child. Child custody hearings have a child at the centre of the decision-making process. Therefore, if the court believes that the contribution of the other parent can benefit the child, they may choose to do so.

What can an attorney do to help parents navigate the child custody process?
Obtaining legal support in these cases helps improve your ability to protect your parental rights. Some common examples of how an attorney may help the parents navigate their child custody process are:

Inform you about your parental rights. More often than not, you may be familiar with the applicable laws and procedures involved in your case. Therefore, hiring an attorney helps you become aware of your parental rights.

Develop a legal strategy. An attorney shall strive to prepare a proper child custody petition with evidence for your case, aligning with the best interests of the child and providing your case with a legal advantage.

Present evidence in court. Attorneys are much more familiar with court procedures, rules of evidence, and trial rules of the court, and their actions are also capable of influencing the decision of a judge. Therefore, proper legal representation is always capable of working to your advantage.

Organize evidence about child living conditions and familial relationships. Considering the best interests of the child, it becomes important to establish a proper status of the child’s living conditions and familial relationships. Evidence related to the child not having a good relationship with the child or the child not having suitable living conditions with the parent is capable of swaying the decision of the judge.

There might be other situations that an attorney is capable of handling, depending upon the particularities of your case. Therefore, we prefer to include a legal professional for better representation.

Process of getting Child Custody in different jurisdictions

The rules related to child custody in Turkey are found in the Civil Code Law No. 4721, according to which the mother and the father have custody rights over the child till the age of 18 years.

According to Article 336 of Turkish Civil Code, when the parents divorce, one of the parents is granted custody of the child to exclude the other, either by consent or by judicial judgment.

Some details to consider about child custody in Turkey are:

1. When kids are minors, their parents are obligated to care for them, educate them, and provide support. Children must respect their parent’s wishes and are not permitted to leave the house without their parent’s permission.
2. When it comes to a divorce, the judge has to decide which parent gets custody of the child based on Child Custody in Turkish Law; there are a few variables to consider. The ability of a parent to provide a better life, education, and standard of living for their child is the most critical aspect. The decision on which parent will have custody is made in the child’s best interests, which may entail considering the respective parents’ work, income, and lifestyle situations. Visitation is usually granted to the non-custodial parent.

Mothers are frequently given custody since they are considered more suited to care for small children. If the mother cannot provide the child a good education and living environment, the father may be granted possession.
The parties undergo a similar procedure of mediation, followed by trial, if they cannot come to a settlement.

There are mainly 3 different options for child custody in Italy:

Exclusive custody of the child. This means that only one parent is granted custody of the child. The designated parents obtain the right to take important decisions in a child’s daily life and obtain complete parental responsibility for the child. Here, the other parent only has limited responsibilities, which are decided by the Italian court.

Joint custody of the child. This agreement means that both parents have and must assume parental responsibilities for the child. This option respects the child’s interest to have contact with both parents, provided that the court sees both the parents as fit and proper persons to have custody of the child.

Alternating custody of the child. This means that both parents obtain the right to have exclusive parental responsibility towards the child for a fixed period, depending on when custody is granted to them. Therefore, both parents have a predetermined time of custody.
In Italy, generally, the court prefers joint custody of the child after the separation or divorce of the parents. Both parents must take responsibility for the child. They should decide on the child’s education, health, growth, and nurture. Joint custody does not mean the child should spend equal time with both parents.

The parties undergo the process of mediation followed by trial for custody matters. In Italy, the court may appoint a guardian ad litem (curator speciale) to represent the child’s interests during the court proceedings. The guardian ad litem may investigate the circumstances and make recommendations to the court regarding custody arrangements. Eventually, the court makes the final order considering all circumstances and evidence.

According to the earlier UAE law, only the child’s biological mother could request physical custody. The father will be given guardianship and financial custody.

Regardless of the child’s gender, a parent who lacks a job or a car is unlikely to prevail in a custody battle due to her inability to provide for the kid’s needs. In such circumstances, a woman may request spousal support in addition to child support. The extensive rules of the UAE try to cover as many scenarios as possible, despite the messy nature of divorce and custody disputes.

However, the new family laws of the UAE, also known as the ‘Federal Personal Status Laws’ for non-Muslims, came into force in February 2023. Following the divorce, joint child custody is provided to both parents unless either of them objects to the same. Therefore, joint custody is the default norm until the child has attained the age of majority or 18, after which they are free to decide for themselves. This differs from the earlier rule of mandatorily providing custody to the mother up to 13 years of age for the daughter and 11 years for the son. The father could only claim custody once his children were above the stipulated age.

In the UAE, mediation is often encouraged as a first step to resolve custody disputes. If mediation fails or is not required, you may proceed with a court case. After considering all the evidence and arguments presented, the court will make a decision regarding child custody.


Nearly all considerations in a child custody hearing are based on the best interests of the child. While multiple considerations are taken into account while deciding on the criteria of the best interests of the child, some common considerations include the child’s age, the child’s routine consistency, evidence of parenting abilities, the impact of changing the existing routine, and the safety of the child. Therefore, the children are looked at holistically. Therefore, ensure that you properly prepare for one of the most important battles of your life efficiently.

Find out how you can make a fresh start in Norway and other countries by reading Legamart’s articles on immigration, starting with “Ways to Immigrate to Norway from Turkey.

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