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posted 4 years ago
Sue a lawyer in Canada
If a lawyer sues someone in Vancouver and they don't respond to the lawsuit, what will happen?
  • Canada
  • Criminal Litigation

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Deleted user
posted 4 years ago
if anyone is sued and they dont respond the procedure is There will be a handful of direction hearings where the court will make sure everything is set for the case to run smoothly. A hearing date will be set, the plaintiff presents her case, through lay and or expert witnesses, photographs, receipts etc. The judge or maybe jury, decides liability. if the plaintiff has proved her claim, the first question will have bee. liabilty. Then the claimant, if they won on liability, address the court as to the remedy to be awarded, damages, injunctions, etc. It would be easy for a claimant to win on liability but not achieve their claim on damages and injunction. This has a lot of technical pifalls. A good case can be spoiled in the remedy phase. The absence of the defendant should give the plaintiff a walkover. But it would be a dangerous, and opossibly fatal to the claim mistake, to assume “ No lawyer on the other side. I don’ t need one.” Judges hate litigants in person. The cases laxt longer, the key points are often hard to get anyone to spit out. if you want to be sure to lose, argue with the judge. say “my aunts brother in law used to be a judge in Alaska, and he told me.,..,” Bottom line, use a laeyrt.