Deleted user
posted 3 years ago
Copyright Fair Use Case
I'm trying to understand the concept of Copyright and trademark Fair Use. I'm a game developer working on a project which plays in the imaginary world of children. They adventure through a world created by them. My concern is that the majority of their playing is based on Copyrighted content. Am I required to obtain licensing when I create a level that is loosely directed to Star Wars for example? Where to play as Storm Troopers covered in unicorn stickers? Or where they dress up as Batman and Robin with a pink cape for the next level? Just to be clear, the game isn't directed towards one certain character or copyright case, but it has reference to several, as well as own created characters, which are the main stars. It will not contain any direct reference to logos or titles. Just a loose reference to the looks of the characters. Would it require licensing or would this fall within the concept of Fair Use?
  • United States
  • Intellectual Property

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